Case StudyMobile real-time convenience store monitoring and reporting
Quick access to convenience store stats at-a-glance
Edge devices and IOT are revolutionizing the convenience store industry, providing competitive efficiencies in store operations. Store managers need instant access to their essential store data and statistics. The ability to remotely execute resupply, work-orders, and communicate with on-site staff is essential for multi-site operators. Working with our client, Planorama’s design enabled store managers to use a single mobile application to manage these day-to-day tasks with ease and clarity.
Centralizing store management and communication for employees
Convenience store staff are hired with varying levels of responsibility depending their role within the store management structure. Planorama designed the mobile solution as a single place where all types of workers managed according to their permissions, and can communicate with each other in real time. By centralizing where everyone interacts, staff onboarding and day-to-day activities were greatly simplified.

By executing a plan that focused on design first via a rapid prototype, our client saved months of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars from otherwise building a minimum viable product (MVP). The client showcased the prototype to their own employees at a company-wide conference to communicate the vision and roadmap for their flagship product suite. And after reviewing the prototype with multiple store owners, the feedback received resulted in a mobile application that their customers are already excited to use.