BlogAvoiding information overload from AI

AI-generated information can actually threaten your users’ productivity. Thoughtful design of AI-enabled features can boost it instead.

August 12, 2024

The integration of AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), into software applications is becoming ubiquitous.  While these AI-enabled features can be valuable, if designed into your product incorrectly, they can present a significant challenge: information overload. The ability to generate vast amounts of text quickly can easily overwhelm users, actually degrading user productivity rather than boosting it.

Considering the Human in the Loop

Our human brains are not equipped to process new information at the same speed as AI generates it, nor in mass quantities. Our cognitive capacity is limited, and overwhelming us with data can lead to decision paralysis…not efficiency. In fact, we have a term in product design: Cognitive Load, which refers to the mental effort required to process information, and excessive information can hinder our ability to make decisions and solve problems. In other words, the inherent generative abilities of LLMs may be at odds with your users’ capabilities. Software needs to account for this through thoughtful a design approach.

I believe we are heading towards a future where we engage in a collaborative process between humans and AI, working together to refine and curate information. For instance, AI may generate initial drafts, summaries, or potential solutions, but human judgment is necessary to:

  • Filter and Prioritize: Determine which information is most relevant to the task at hand.
  • Validate and Verify: Ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content.
  • Add Context and Nuance: Provide insights and perspectives that AI may lack.
  • Create a Coherent Narrative: Organize information into a logical and understandable format for people.

Designing for Human Efficiency

To effectively manage such AI features where such cognitive overload is possible, we must consider designing BOTH how AI content is proportioned out during generation, and how the user interface is used to convey that content. Consider:

  • Iterative Curation: Creating features that can help humans “course-correct” by identifying key points and summarizing content, with anticipated frequent handoffs between the users and AI.
  • Information Visualization: Presenting information in visual formats can help users quickly identify patterns and trends.
  • Interactive Exploration: Allowing users to filter, sort, and search through information empowers them to find what they need.

When solutions are designed correctly, the superiority of human expertise and intuition can be magnified by AI’s capabilities to solve challenges more efficiently.

Sidebar: Bias Overload (i.e. “That looks right.”)

The potential for AI to generate vast amounts of information quickly raises ethical concerns. While AI can be a powerful tool, be aware of its limitations and potential biases. One significant concern is the risk of users uncritically accepting AI-generated content as factual. Because AI can produce human-quality text, there’s a danger of users being misled or misinformed. Moreover, AI models can perpetuate existing biases present in their training data, leading to discriminatory or harmful outputs. While this challenge may not seem like an “information overload” issue, in fact such biases may exploit the laziness of users to accept what they’re given instead of reviewing generated content thoroughly. When more generated content is presented at once, the user is overloaded with work to do to sort it out.

Wrap-up: The Future of Human-AI Collaboration

The ideal scenario is a symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, where each brings unique strengths to the table. AI can process vast amounts of data and generate potential solutions, while humans provide the critical thinking, creativity, ethical context, and emotional intelligence needed to make informed decisions.

As AI continues to evolve, it’s essential to remember that humans remain at the heart of the process. By devising the appropriate interactions between people and AI capabilities, we can unlock the full potential of both and create a future where information is a powerful asset, not an overwhelming burden.

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